
About Us

Our Nonprofit Rating

FoFoGo has earned the GuideStar “Platinum” nonprofit rating. This means that when donating, you can rest assured that your donation will be tax-exempt and that we’re in full compliance with the highest standards of nonprofit administration. This is also a testament to our organization’s commitment to data transparency.



Seeing is believing…

If you’ve been to the fort, you know why it’s a special place. If haven’t, please take a look at our photos and video to get a sense of this amazing structure. Better yet, find a friend with a boat and see it for yourself! You may also click here to make a donation and receive a private tour and transportation. Seeing is believing.

Please contact us for more information.


You can help us by sharing your photos and fort moments on social media.

@fofogo #yourfort #savethefort #fofogo #fortgorges #begorges